
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

OMG I want to do this!

I am in LOVE with the chevron print right now. And when I came across this DIY project on Design Sponge I just fell head over heels!!!! I need!! I want!!! NOW!!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bridal Shower Invitations...

As my very own shower comes near (or a somewhat shower), I decided to add bridal shower invitations onto my etsy shop! Bridal shower invitations are fun because they can be super colorful, whimsical, and alllll about girlieness. Yes thats a word. Its fun to work on them and imagine what different types of invitations I would want done for my own shower. I also like to imagine a stressed out maid of honor trying to find the perfect bridal shower invitation for her friend, sister, girl from work she doesnt even know but got suckered into doing her shower somehow. And her just running into my invitations on etsy and saying... Perfect!

Anyways, let me know what you think of my first two...