
Thursday, March 24, 2011

The makings of a make believe couple...

Designing wedding invitations without actually having a real live couple to base them on is harder than I thought. I like all of my invitations to have a distinct personality, but still be vague enough that more than one person will like them. Its hard to design them to each have a different style, but still look like I did them. So lately I have been creating fake couples for each design. I try to imagine what type of apartment/house they live in, what car do they have, range rover or mini coupe? Do they shop at whole foods or trader joes? We used to do this in the advertising agency I worked at, they are called mood boards. What type of people will visit this site or buy this product? Its a lot of fun when you get really into it and start pin pointing very distinct personality traits.  Can you guess what the couple for this invitations is like?

Have fun with it, think of really specific details...:)


  1. Maria, great idea to put this into a post! I always make up a fake couple. I have a long list of names, my kids, my friends kids, names I love, names that fit my designs and so on.

    In my past life when I was a Retail Designer for an Architecture firm we created mood boards as well to help design spaces around the products and clients.

  2. That must have been an awesome and fun job! Probably not the process but the finished product. Thats probably why i never go into web design, there is nothing for me to touch and see when all was said and done. After months of work all you get is something on a screen.

  3. a couple that lives life on the go? shops locally ... maybe loves the country? no idea.

    i love your cards, they're adorable and so cheery. i wish i was getting married if only to sort out all the fun stationary! your stuff is so simple yet well stated. i like the idea of mood boards, but it's gotta be difficult to come up with a "fake" couple. can't wait to see more items you come up with.

  4. I love the made up story, especially since my fiancee and I are using your design for our wedding invitations. We are kind of a goofy couple - I'm whimsical, idealistic and studying to be an elementary school teacher and he's kind of an academic marxist studying to be a tweedy professor. The design immediately caught my eye and he loved it, too! Thanks for all your help, Maria!

  5. You are the perfect couple for this invitation, no doubt!!!! :)

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